Silent Film & Action Driven-StorytellingThe Language of Film ShotsBasic EditingRemixing and Editing to Music
Pre-production: Brainstorming, Scripting & StoryboardingProduction: Acting, Shooting & Sound RecordingPost-Production: Editing (May be finished after camp if necessary), Adding Music, Graphics & Sound FX
- Visual and Verbal Communication
- Social Skills
- Interpersonal Skills
- Storytelling
- Computer File Management Film
- Language & Grammar
- Creative Expression
- Research and Troubleshooting Skills
Students shoot a simple 1 minute action sequence using only non-moving, static shots to tell the story of a continuous action.
Using only the 1-minute footage from another classmate’s Silent Film project, students create a short music video by remixing and editing this footage.
Having produced a silent film, students now collaborate on a narrative film they will produce through three major stages:
- Pre-production: Brainstorming, Scripting & Storyboarding, (Minimal) Set Design & Costumes
- Production: Production: Acting, Shooting & Sound Recording
- Post-Production: Editing