
Tuesday, November 18, 2014


MarbleJam ART Works Program dedicated to adults with disabilities, provides a supportive and enriching opportunity for social integration.  Art, Music, Movement, Drama, Photography, Fitness, are modified to meet the individual's needs.  Groups are small and appointed appropriately. All groups are supervised by licensed therapists, trained instructors, and paraprofessionals are provided when necessary.

"An artist lives in all of us...for some in just needs to be discovered'

The Fine Arts Program assists students in strengthening the foundation of their artistic practice through the overview of terminology, history and genre. 
Class flow generally covers a short lecture and slideshow with discussion. 

Community Integration Program focuses on social integration and wellness
of  the individual.

Programs will be modified and individualized for advanced students and students with exceptional conditions.
MJK is an approved service provider through NJ DDD for adults with disabilities. Contact your son or daughter's support coordinator to arrange for programming approval through
Real Life Choices.

NJ DDD will not cover the following required costs.
Intake Fee: 150.00

Classes are offered
Mondays - Saturdays
Special events/Sundays

Course Schedule - TBA

contact us!

MarbleJam Topics: “Love - Acceptance - Matters” at MarbleJam Kids, a...

MarbleJam Topics: “Love - Acceptance - Matters” at MarbleJam Kids, a...: The parent/child connection is a healing force that is often underestimated. Young children with special needs beg...

“Love - Acceptance - Matters” at MarbleJam Kids, a Creative Arts Therapy Center for Children with Special Needs & Their Families. Written by Founder/Director Anna Villa-Bager

The parent/child connection is a healing force that is often underestimated. Young children with special needs begin their therapeutic path to healing from infancy with hours of at-home therapy. This creates a literal revolving door of therapists coming and going while the parent is not included in the therapy sessions. The child is then sent to a full day special education program from 3 years of age and provided with a home program after school to continue achieving educational & functional goals.  

Many families require that both parents work to make ends meet. Quality family time and focused energy on parent child bonding becomes less of a priority and management of tasks and scheduling of therapeutic interventions or activities becomes overwhelming.  At the end of the day, parents are left catching up on meal planning, chores, and bills. Or they are completely exhausted and conveniently disconnect to social media or a good book behind closed doors. That is if you can get your kids to sleep!

Someone once told me that your realities are the manifestation of your focused thoughts, a frightening yet powerful concept.  If you think you aren't good enough, well then you aren't. If you live as who you want to be, then you are. Whether you believe in this philosophy or not, for parents of children with special needs, it seems only natural to focus on the deficits rather than the accomplishments. We are inundated with diagnostic testing that tells us our kids have issues and we become hyper-focused on fixing them and making them fit in. We focus on the exterior reality or appearance rather than the inner essence of the child.  We disconnect because we can't handle them not being good enough according to standards set by our society.

How much time is left in the day? How much time are we actually spending engaging our own children?  The LAM (Love, Acceptance, Matters) Program provides the parent and their child an opportunity to rebuild their relationship and re-establish a trust and bond that may have been severed. The program was developed by Adrienne Murphy, a speech pathologist, yoga teacher and energy practitioner, and Lois Mettler, a puppetry master, educator, yoga teacher and energy practitioner who combined their knowledge and years of experience working with children.  They co-created what could be the missing piece in the healing process.  Within these sessions, participants are guided through creative, integrative play to re-connect from the child's perspective and energy work that focuses on the mind and body connection.  This state of being in Savasana (yoga relaxation pose) allows for a more loving and open path to letting go and accepting. This is where the real change begins. The program has been nothing short of magnificent as it merges healing arts with creative arts therapeutic play.

The philosophy of LAM is to meet both the parent and child without judgment at their unique level of engagement in order to move them forward in a more loving and connected manner. This effect leads to greater success and achievement of the necessary developmental milestones each child needs to function in this world.  As a result, parents become less stressed and enjoy their child’s successes without feeling like their child is a “failure” and needs “fixing”.
Parents, who have participated, enthusiastically shared with us their child’s achievements of various developmental milestones.  Additionally, Adrienne and Lois have documented their sessions compiling data that demonstrates success among the children they work with in each of the following areas: increased speech-language skills (receptive/expressive), increased emotional connection to family members, reduction in meltdown and self-stimulation behaviors, improved social interaction, improved eye contact, independence in toilet training, consistent sleep patterns, improved functional activities of daily living such as feeding and dressing, improved play skills, and increased ability to follow directions and take turns.
We are truly grateful at the tremendous success this program has had in such a short amount of time.   The LAM program is structured to include intakes/assessments in private parent/guardian with child sessions for ages 0-­‐12. In addition to this program, Adrienne & Lois have been providing parents the opportunity to refresh and renew with “Mindfulness Training Workshops” a series of workshops that teaches parents “mindfulness tools” to be fully present with their child in a more authentic and loving way during all moments of everyday life. They provide guidance that facilitates a more compassionate and peaceful perspective for managing challenging situations within the family dynamic. These tools allow parents to understand the many choices they have when reacting to their child's behaviors, and the understanding of how negativity can impact a child's overall physical heath and emotional well-being. The sessions also provide parents the opportunity to share their concerns in a safe environment under complete confidentiality. After attending the first workshop series, I found myself taking a more thoughtful approach within my own family environment.  Their professional and mentoring approach to creating a peaceful home starts from within and I look forward to participating in the next series.

LAM believes a positive and joyful connection between the parent and child is crucial. This joyful connection facilitates success in all levels of development by serving as the key to unlock each child’s special gifts and talents. This fall LAM introduced another new and exciting program for teens with special needs entitled, “Loving Amazing Me” for youth ages 12 - 18. The parent is paired with his/her own teen in the program.  This is an overall wellness program that seeks to empower this age group by increasing self-esteem through connecting with their parent in a cooperative experiential session.  Teens and their parents are guided through yoga movement, breathing exercises, meditations, mantras, energy work, sound therapy and cooperative games, rebuilding their relationship with one another and providing support for self-empowerment and independence. 
Parents and children love coming to MarbleJam Kids for their LAM sessions and leave with a smile. Some of the testimonials from parents of the LAM programs are the following:
“ Thank you so much!! We can’t believe the change in him!! The change is remarkable. For the first time in a long time... I am able to hug and kiss my beloved grandchild. There are no words or price that can ever express such deep gratitude to you both...there is a special place for you and Lois in heaven...” (Nancy P-­‐ grandson age 7 diagnosed with ADHD) (Bergen County)
“Use of language increased for requesting without prompts and dramatic improvement in independence with use of bathroom. Great program.” (Bernadette D-­‐ son aged 10 diagnosed with Down’s Syndrome) (Rockland County)
“Grandma C. noticed better eye contact and smiles. He played better with her. Ate an apple while he sat on mom’s lap. He did not move until he was finished. When asked if he could have a bite, he said ‘no’. Showed signs of missing his dad when he was away for business. Imitated “Do this” while “Face Time” with Grandma. Imitated the phrase ‘I love you’” (Genine A-­‐ son age 4 diagnosed with ASD and receptive and expressive and language disorder) (Bergen County).
Our goal at MarbleJam Kids is to move beyond traditional therapies by introducing progressive programs that are evidential and life affirming. We look forward to another exciting and impressive year with LAM as a part of the MarbleJam family!
MarbleJam Kids is a 501c3 non profit organization and center for creative arts therapies and enrichment programs founded by parents of children with special needs in 2007.  The center is an authorized service provider by the NJ Department of Children & Families and NJ DDD, serving children, youth, and adults with autism spectrum disorders, developmental disabilities, and other learning and emotional challenges.  The center also provides individual, youth and family support. More information can be found at
MarbleJam Kids relies on contributions to supplement costs of programming.  Giving to MarbleJam Kids directly supports programming.  Please consider a contribution so that we may continue to provide and expand these programs to other communities in need of services. Go to Support MarbleJam Kids where you can learn more and give.